O Banheiro 360° - Propósito/Histórico/Apresentação

O BANHEIRO 360° - Propósito / Histórico / Apresentação em Palestras

P ropósito : Transformar a maneira e forma como as pessoas vivem, a partir do espaço que elas ocupam. O rigem   da Startup,  O problema ...

quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2009

LEDs ainda vão revolucionar o conceito de iluminação - INVISIBLE STREETLIGHT

O Invisible Streetlight emite luz à noite capturando energia solar durante o dia. O elemento mais inovativo do Invisible Streetlight é que ele não precisa de suporte, pois a sua estrutura flexivel, em forma de galho, fica diretamente presa nas árvores ao longo da rua ou estrada. A instalação é simples e pode ser feita em parques, ruas arborizadas, etc. O Invisible Streetlight se camufla entre as folhas e não atrapalha a beleza dos locais onde fica. Genial. Visto aqui.

Invisible Streetlight emits light at nighttime by saving energy from sunlight during the day. The most innovative element of Invisible Streetlight is that it does not require a support because the flexible body in the shape of tree branch is directly installed to the trees lining a street. Installation is simple in parks and outskirts of urban centers. Also, Invisible Streetlight does not spoil scenic beauty of the surrounding areas.

More information here.



Invisible Streetlight emits light at nighttime by saving energy from sunlight during the day. The most innovative element of Invisible Streetlight is that it does not require a support because the flexible body in the shape of tree branch is directly installed to the trees lining a street. Installation is simple in parks and outskirts of urban centers, and the Invisible Streetlight does not spoil scenic beauty of the surrounding areas.


JONGOH LEE: jojuly79@yahoo.co.kr


DESIGNMALL (South Korea)




31 Julho, 2008

Invisible Streetlight


Solar LED Street Lights, a technology meeting all expectations.

Solar LED street lights present the perfect and cost-effective solution for residential streets, parking lots, security, roadways, parking lots and other general area lighting applications.
Solar street lights can be economically viable and efficient in a number of applications, mostly in areas where the cost of providing electricity is expensive or problematic.
Due to their low power consumption and very long life-span, LED street lights are a good alternative to LPS (Low Pressure Sodium) or MH (Metal Halide) lamps.
Unlike LPS lamps that produce a yellow-orange light, Solar street lights using LED technology generate a very powerful and targeted crisp white light of excellent quality, which significantly improves color rendition and night visibility.


Benefits of High Power LEDs:


  • Long life-span
  • Low power consumption
  • Good color rendition
  • Good color temperature
  • Low light pollution
  • High brightness

We design solar street lighting systems that meet your requirements
Check our products range and contact us for any inquiry you may have

More info on solar street lighting

In solar street lighting applications it is crucial to accurately design and calculate the size and type of the different components.
Solar street lights are not of-the-shelf products. Different parameters have to be taken into consideration when designing such systems:

  1. Acquisition and analysis of geographic and climate data for a given area
  2. Required daily lighting hours
  3. Required backup lighting days during overcast weather
  4. System sizing, quantity and selection of the different components (light source, solar panels, batteries, solar controller, and height of pole)


For a free and no obligation initial consultation click here

Once geographic and climate data of your area is obtained, we design your solar street lights system and make sure that it meets your particular requirements.
The objective being to provide enough illumination every night and provisional energy for overcast days, in phase with customer requirements.
The final product is a reliable Solar LED street lights system able to operate every night, for years, with minimum maintenance. Check our products range


An overview on solar street lights

How solar street lights work

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